How to Build A Strong Immune System in 3 Simple Ways
The COVID-19 pandemic has raised questions about how to build your immune system. If you are looking for ways to strengthen your immunity, then this blog is for you! We have laid out three simple strategies that can increase (if applied correctly) your immunity.
The three strategies for a stronger immune system we will focus on today are:
- Diet and Nutritional Supplementation
- Melatonin
- Variety of Exercise and Taking Care of Your Body
1. DIET AND NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTATION are some of the biggest strategies that can help to support and build up your immune system. Vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, and selenium are key nutrients required for good immune function.
Many people in the US are deficient in Vitamin D which may be one of the most important nutrients for immune system function. Vitamin D combined with Vitamin K can activate and repair genes that are needed to help the body to produce antimicrobial and antiviral peptides. With Natural Athlete Vitamin D3 & K2 has an optimal 5,000 IU vitamin d3 does per gelcap so you won’t have to take nearly as many to get the same effect each day.
In order to really benefit from the vitamin D supplementation, you need magnesium to activate it. Not so surprisingly, many people are also nutrient deficient in regards to magnesium. Magnesium is also required for immune cell function which means that if your magnesium level is too low your immune system will be imparied. Natural Athlete’s Rest & Relax contains magnesium as well as many other key nutrients to boost the immune system. Natural Athlete Active Women’s Multi + Energy and the Active Men’s Multi + Energy also have high levels of vitamins and minerals that are key to immune support.
2. MELATONIN: Did you know? Melatonin is so important for the immune system. It can pass into any cell membrane which helps with any kind of stress on the immune system. A high- dose(fixed the spelling) of melatonin is even better for good immune function. Natural Athlete Nutrition Rest and Relax contains high doses of melatonin to help the body relax and de-stress.
REST & RELAX (image depicts details of product):
3. VARIETY OF EXERCISE. In addition to addressing diet and nutrition research has found that exercise and other forms of caring for the body are increasingly important. As you exercise and strengthen all aspects of the body you prepare the body to fight infection and strengthen your immune system.
Working actively on your immune system is very important. By working on controlling your diet and nutritional supplementation, as well as getting enough melatonin and exercise you are sure to strengthen and build up your immune system to continue to fight of illnesses of all types.
P.S. We've created some of the best immune system supplements for you. We recommend you to check the link to view our natural immune-boosting products :)